2022 Career Survey Says!

2022 Career Survey Says!

Thank you to the 93 people who took the career survey! Are you dying to know “What Animal Best Describes a Prospect Researcher?” or were you waiting to hear “What One Word Best Describes a Gift Officer?”

In eleven short minutes, you can discover those answers and more in the Career Survey Says! game show. Big shout-out to our intrepid research contestants — Tamara, Katie, Heather, and Amy – who were courageous enough to play the game and let us release it to the public!

At the Prospect Research Institute, our December Master Class is usually on the topic of careers. Sure, in the past we may have had some great discussions around career challenges and triumphs, but it can be a tough row to hoe to make salary surveys and stats worth talking about. This year we ran a trivia game as a fun way to discuss the statistics.

Did you know that a UX Researcher (UX = user experience), which is similar to prospect research, earns $130,000 to $150,000?

Or that in 2018 the average salary at a large public library was less ($55,809) than the 2018 median researcher salary ($65,500)?

It’s all true!

And as we ride on into 2023, I hope you’ll consider joining us for any one of the fabulous Master Classes we have planned.

Master Class 2023 Calendar