Celebrating Badge Earner, Rachel Davey

When someone completes a course and earns a certificate at the Institute, it’s a big accomplishment. Courses can easily take around 35 hours to complete. Please join me in celebrating this intrepid member! Rachel Davey Rachel immigrated to Canada in 2006 after working...

Celebrating Badge Earner, Susi Pitts

When someone completes a course and earns a Digital Badge at the Institute, it’s a big accomplishment. Courses can easily take around 35 hours to complete. Please join me in celebrating this intrepid member! Susi Pitts Susi has a Bachelors in Business...

Celebrating Badge Earners

The ultimate goal of job training is to perform your work better, and a lot of Institute members fill in the learning gaps with Institute courses and resources. Achieving a Certificate of Competency and a Digital Badge is an extra step demonstrating a comprehensive...