by Jennifer Filla | Sep 8, 2014 | Learning Edge Blog, News, Rhode Warrior Blog
September 2008 will long be remembered as the time when several major financial institutions collapsed. The subsequent economic impact had a domino effect which resulted in a significant disruption in the flow of credit to businesses and consumers. The end result...
by Jennifer Filla | Jul 2, 2014 | News
We Need Content Review Panelists! Do you have experience in researching public company insiders? We need your help! The Institute is seeking 3 to 5 volunteers willing to serve on a content review panel. The course under development is Prospect Research Takes Wall...
by Jennifer Filla | Jun 10, 2014 | News
We are excited to offer a new kind of program at the Prospect Research Institute – the Profile Peer Review Program! But mostly we’re thankful to have students like Lisa Blockus Brown, Director of Stewardship and Prospect Research at Camp Sea Gull & Camp...
by Jennifer Filla | May 21, 2014 | News
To celebrate the opening of the Prospect Research Institute website and online classroom we challenged prospect researchers and fundraisers to take the pre-quiz for the first course with open registration: Introduction to Prospect Profiles. The first three people to...
by Jennifer Filla | May 19, 2014 | News
In my phone interviews and online survey with prospect researchers, you told me you want ADVANCED training. But what does that really mean? You, the prospect research community, are so generous. Thank you! You shared with me and now I’d like to share back. As many of...