#CareerCurious with Cecilia Hogan

by | Oct 25, 2018 | #CareerCurious, Learning Edge Blog, News | 2 comments

“I can remember when…” are the words spoken by those of us who have been working adults for a few decades. (Yes, as long as some of you reading this have been alive.) As a result of our longevity, we’ve lived through the internet revolution and felt the ripples made by internet byproducts such as the smartphone.

As author of Prospect Research: A Primer for Growing Nonprofits, Cecilia Hogan is a name that looms large in our field. The first book written about how to research in the digital age, it continues to lead the pack on detailing best practices in performing prospect research. How is that possible?

If you listen to Cecilia, it’s because she LOVES research. She doesn’t just like it – she can’t live without it! I caught her on the verge of retirement and since her retirement, I still see her posts on my LinkedIn feed. Posts about wealth and philanthropy, of course, with a bit of “I’m retired” fun thrown in.

In this interview, Cecilia walks us through her book writing journey and gives us a peek into a world where the internet was still considered a toy and Apra was just getting off the ground. She shares her tactics for improving her skills over the years and what characteristics make for a great researcher.

Cecilia likes to talk and with a beautiful voice and a great sense of humor, she draws you in and before you know what’s happened, you’ve learned something!

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