Betsy Mehlman embodies the modern fundraiser. She is a dedicated lifelong learner, being the first to earn a CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive) in Israel and pursuing a career that has earned her top-notch prospect research skills.
Raised in the U.S., she and her husband moved their family to Israel and Betsy pursued a business career in various roles before the JDC, a Jewish humanitarian organization, found her.
In this episode she shares how her research outside of North America differs, why she views herself as a fundraiser, not just a researcher, and some tips on being a great researcher no matter what country you hail from.
Resources Mentioned
- Looking for tips on researching globally? So was Betsy Mehlman! She used her free membership at the Prospect Research Institute to attend some focus groups. You can find and download her notes and resource links at the Institute: Research in Fundraising Collection>Global Fundraising Research. >>Not a member? Join today for FREE
- A CFRE shares why she pursued certification and how she prepared for the exam | CFRE | 2019
- AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals)
- Apra (Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement)