#CareerCurious with Vanessa Boyle and Kelly Douglas at Caltech

by | Nov 2, 2021 | #CareerCurious, Learning Edge Blog, News

Kelly Douglas, Senior Data Analyst, Development Analytics at Caltech, didn’t anticipate a career in analytics, but was drawn to it by leaning into her interests and strengths.

Vanessa Boyle, Associate Director of Prospect Management at Caltech, followed her interests and exposed herself to new experiences that deepened the skill set she now applies to prospect management.

What do they have in common? A lot!

Besides both being twins and starting at Caltech at the same time, they share many things. As you listen to their stories, you’ll understand why I’ve dubbed them “research soul sisters.” There is a bond between them that has inspired them and been a catalyst for their career success.

Listen in to gain some new perspectives on the career journey, work friendships, and collaborating for success.

Resources Mentioned

Fundraising Analytics Education Resource Links  | Prospect Research Institute | This collection features many free and fee options for learning analytics

Foundations in Fundraising Analytics | Prospect Research Institute | Designed for those hesitant about analytics, this course gives you the confidence and skills you need to navigate data.

Excel for Fundraisers: Analysis Collection | Staupell Analytics | Preparing Dashboards, Analyzing Portfolios, Estimating Results (Note: this is an affiliate link)

Apra Body of Knowledge | Behind paywall; available for purchase