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Jeff Jowdy on prospect research and teaching the joy of giving in major gifts
If you’ve been in the world of philanthropy and fundraising for any length of time you are bound to hear the phrase “the art and science of fundraising.” With the professionalism of fundraising comes method and best practice – the science – but always there is the art...
Digital Marketing Data for Fundraising with Joe Stabb
If anyone would recognize the gems hidden inside marketing data, it would be Joe Stabb! Currently, he is Assistant Professor of Practice at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, but his LinkedIn profile is testament to the many career paths that he has sampled over the...
Go Ask Jen: Factoring rental properties into gift capacity/wealth ratings
A post on the Apra forum recently asked about rental properties. The poster said that they were researching their prospect and discovered that the prospect owned a variety of single-family home and retail storefronts, all located in the town where they lived. The...
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