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Articles that inspire
Learning Edge
Practical Tips for Succeeding With a Visual or Auditory Impairment
Disabilities can impact an individual’s work performance and daily life in many ways. The significance of the impact depends on the person’s unique level of disability and ability, but most of the time, simple accommodations can be made in the workplace and at home to help the individual thrive. If you’re looking for creative alternatives to conventional workplace practices and processes to accommodate your visual or auditory impairment (or your employees’), consider these ideas:
Fundraising with an Abundance Mindset with Gauri Manglik at Instrumentl
Gauri has found a niche within a niche – corporate and foundation fundraising within the nonprofit sector - and applied an abundance mindset to continuously listen to customers and develop software support that works. How many years have we had CRM databases? DECADES....
Jeff Jowdy on prospect research and teaching the joy of giving in major gifts
If you’ve been in the world of philanthropy and fundraising for any length of time you are bound to hear the phrase “the art and science of fundraising.” With the professionalism of fundraising comes method and best practice – the science – but always there is the art...
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