Have you ever wanted to share your expertise, but maybe aren’t so keen on getting up in front of a group? Or maybe you do like speaking and are seeking another outlet to share your knowledge. Serving on a Review Panel might be just what you’re looking for!
Courses developing now
The Prospect Research Institute needs reviewers now for a course in Fundraising Analytics. It is anticipated that content will be developed beginning in November and completed in April.
Following is the proposed course outcome:
In this course you will learn to use data mining techniques in Excel to set-up and solve descriptive, comparative, and predictive analysis projects using dummy datasets and ultimately your own.
What does a reviewer do?
We use project management software to share information and comment on tasks over a period of usually four to six months. We start with general content outlines and work our way through the details of videos, resource collections, homework ideas, test questions and workbook content. We also have periodic online meetings where everyone gets to meet, brainstorm and find common ground.
Prospect Research Institute has been fortunate to connect with people who have a variety of talents and interests including any of the following:
- Deep knowledge of the content being developed
- Teaching background to help with homework and test questions
- Generally creative with ideas on presentation and homework
- Analytical thinker who asks the good questions and points out the holes in the floor
- Editing and proofreading wizardry
Click here to see the team that advised on the Insider Stock and Compensation course.
What does a reviewer get?
- Sharing and learning with fellow practitioners
- Sense of pride and accomplishment to see all the pieces – including your comments and ideas – come together in a course
- Opportunity to give back to the profession with creation of free content
- Insider access to content under development
How do I join?
Worried about making a time commitment? You can give as little as one hour or many hours. It’s always up to you. And if you find you can’t participate after all, it’s always okay.
If being a reviewer sounds like a good fit for you or if you have more questions, contact Jen Filla. She will send you an application with all the details.
Call Jen Filla at 727 202 3405 x700 or email jen at ProspectResearchInstitute.org.