GDPR for the Love of Fundraising

by | Jul 25, 2018 | Learning Edge Blog, News

GDPR for the Love of FundraisingOn May 23, 2018, the European Union went live with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this #ChatBytes episode, we talk with Adrian Salmon, fundraising consultant at GG+A about GDPR.

Adrian Salmon loves fundraising! You can hear the joy in his voice when he talks about it. It’s from this perspective that Adrian shares with us how GDPR unfolded as a hot-button issue in the United Kingdom (UK). From the explosion in the tabloids, the “event,” around data protection in the charity sector, to the fines issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and culminating in the European Union’s adoption of the GDPR, Adrian tells you the story from the perspective of the fundraiser.

As a fundraising consultant in the UK, Adrian helps his clients navigate the GDPR with respect to donors. Listen in as he shares his favorite resources and leaves you with an easy rule-of-thumb to gauge your organization’s practices and privacy policy.