A.I. in the Nonprofit Sector with Jared Sheehan of PwrdBy

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Learning Edge Blog, News

Are you a prospect research professional? Have you ever considered yourself a story teller? Jared Sheehan thinks you are!

According to Jared, prospect research delivers data-driven storytelling and there are some A.I. products out there attempting to assist in this prospect research arena, such as Wisely.

The good news? There is a lot of opportunity for A.I. to support the data-driven storytelling we researchers do. Jared unpacks exactly how that can unfold and describes the NeonMoves product his firm developed.

The bad news? For A.I. you need really BIG data – not thousands of records, but millions and billions. So, if your nonprofit isn’t in the millions and billions of records category, what should you be doing right now?

Jared has some great advice. He suggests leveraging the fundraising analytics we have access to. We can start with the manual process to solving the problem at hand so that when a new, big dataset becomes available, we are ready.

Only Jared says it much better. Listen in to hear his perspective on A.I. in the nonprofit sector and then download the second annual State of A.I. in the Nonprofit Sector study.

Resources Mentioned

Pwdby.com | A social enterprise helping to create the next generation of technologies for nonprofits and other mission driven organizations

State of A.I. in the Nonprofit Sector | 2020 | Read this report if you want to understand how the nonprofit world is incorporating AI into its operations to benefit underserved individuals and communities.

Futurus | Using big data and artificial intelligence to identify prospects based on gratitude

NeonOne | A technology ecosystem built to help mission-driven organizations grow

Wisely | Providing a powerful prospecting and portfolio management tool built for the modern fundraiser

A.I. Prospect Research Links Collection | Aspire Research Group LLC