2021 #ResearchPride Scavenger Hunt

by | Mar 22, 2021 | Learning Edge Blog, News

How much do you really know about the Prospect Research profession and how it is nourished and celebrated? Did you even know that March is #ResearchPride month? We at the Prospect Research Institute decided to hustle up a scavenger hunt to help you find out!

As the creator of #ResearchPride month, last week Helen Brown fittingly kicked off the clues by dropping a link on her website homepage that led to a video. Each day thereafter a clue was dropped. Clues came from the USA, UK, and Canada.

Some were easy. Some were tricky. Some seemed easy, but were tricky. And that is a lot like the work that we do, isn’t it?

And the Winners Are…

What would a scavenger hunt be without awards?

1-The Apra Foundation Professional Development Assistance Fund ‘won’ $200, which is the amount of money for one grant in support of prospect development professionals who have experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19 or other factors. The $200 is made up of $10 gifts in honor of each of the first 20 scavenger hunt players.

2-These five determined researchers won a copy of the book Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts by Kate Racculia because they correctly answered all five questions and were the first to submit the form: Laura Elliott, Bryan C., Kelly Douglas, Viola Henning, and Helen Martin.

3-The first three determined researchers ALSO won a copy of Marianne Pelletier’s book, Building Your Analytics Shop: Laura Elliott, Bryan C., and Kelly Douglas.

4-Everyone who submitted scavenger hunt answers receives a coupon for a free pass to a Master Class at the Prospect Research Institute and the first 100 are eligible for a discount coupon to Staupell Analytics Group’s online courses.

Thank you to all the clues and players in this year’s hunt! And a special thank you to Erin Osborn and Sandy Montgomery for being the brains behind the hunt.

Scavenger Hunt Clues, Questions, and Answers

Curious to know what the questions were and, more importantly, what the answers were?

Clue #1 | Helen Brown, USA

  • Q: Who is the person named on the only named Apra Award?
  • A: Margaret Fuhry

Clue #2 | Marianne Pelletier, USA

  • Q: What is the word that could be a danger to a common house cat and also describes a prospect research professional to a “T”?
  • A: Curiosity

Clue #3 | Jason Briggs, UK

  • Q: For many years we believed the US was the envy of the prospect research world but actually, as it turns out, the UK is the one that has its house in order. Blogged ‘a Treasure Trove of Information’ by Toby Savin on June 25th 2020 on www.HelenBrownGroup.com, what is the true name of this royal register of knowledge and what year was it founded?
  • A: Companies House: The registration system was founded in 1844.
    Note: LLPs were introduced in the UK in 2001 and 2015 was the year that Companies House became freely accessible to the public.

Clue #4 | Liz Rejman, CA

  • Q: In 2020, the Apra Foundation published a cookbook called: Data Driven Deliciousness, The Apra Cookbook. What was the Apra Foundation cooking up when they launched this book? What did the proceeds from the sale of all these delightful recipes go towards?
  • A: The Apra Foundation Professional Assistance Fund

Clue #5 | Regina Alhassan, USA

  • Q: This researcher leads the research and publication of Giving USA, as well as the Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances and the Index of Philanthropic Freedom. This researcher has also pioneered new approaches to using data with the Million Dollar List and the new Generosity for Life project. Who is this amazing researcher?
  • A: Dr. Una Osili with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
    Note: Dr. Carol Adelman founded the Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances and the Index of Philanthropic Freedom, but Dr. Osili took over as director in 2016. As the last clue, Regina crafted a challenging question!