Purchasing Cooperative

by | Mar 13, 2016 | News

A small group of independent prospect research professionals is exploring if we can find a way to come together to achieve cost savings and other benefits, such as a purchasing cooperative. We are looking to hear from you to help determine if there is enough demand to make such an effort feasible.

Survey Closed: March 31, 2016

Please consider taking this survey if, as independent prospect research professional you have ever had these issues:

  • Really good research requires using research subscriptions and they are expensive
  • I don’t always need all the tools, but have to subscribe for a year anyway
  • I need contractors when I get a big job, but I can’t let them use my tools without violating the software user license
  • When I use other contractors, they often do not have their own subscriptions
  • It sure would be great to have a network of other contractors to ask questions, commiserate and get tips from

Thank you in advance for considering!

If you have questions, please feel free to contact jen@aspireresearchgroup.com

Purchasing Cooperative Task Force Members:

  • Sarah Bernstein, Ronnie de Supinski, Jennifer Filla, Kelley McGeehan, Susan Shebar-Fioribello, Anne Soule, and Ian Wells