Prospect Research Monthi n Review – Jun 2016

by | Jun 28, 2016 | News

Worth Twittering Overtwitter

A few key resources shared:
Some fun commentary:
  • @Vogontroubadour  | True for prospect research! Because Fundraisers, Vice Presidents… Poster: “Because employers want candidates who know the difference between a Web Search and Research.”
  • @SteffanieMBrown  | Never lie to someone who works in #prospectresearch. We basically know everything or can find it out. 🙂
  • @PrairieJenn | AVP: You’d be such a great fundraiser. Me: I am a fundraiser. AVP: Right answer!
Bonus item:
  • Free white paper explaining the requirements for ongoing charitable solicitation compliance via Harbour Compliance

From Our Favorite Blogs
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Spotlight on APRA 2016 Conference SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS
Are you registered for APRA’s annual conference in Tennessee? July 27 is around the corner. Hurry!

On The CalendarCalendar
Prospect Development Events

17-19 Jul | New York, NY
The annual meeting of senior higher education advancement professionals. Learn about the concept of “shared leadership.” Five key sessions guaranteed to offer fresh perspectives. Senior-level insights from top graduate school faculty. [Learn More]
27-30 Jul | Nashville, TN

Mark your calendar for Prospect Development 2016, taking place July 27-30 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN.  Registration is now open! Secure your spot today.

27 Jul | Nashville, TN
In this session at APRA’s 29th Annual International Conference, Jen Filla navigates you step-by-step through the anatomy of a profile, including individual, corporate and foundation profiles, demonstrates how to interpret and present key philanthropy and wealth indicators, and puts you in the shoes of the end-user to create a better presentation format – all with engaging, hands-on activities. This is NOT a how-to-find, but a how-to-present session.
27-28 Jul | Boston, MA
This conference will feature empowering insights from advancement gurus who are achieving amazing results and changing the game. Attendees will connect with peers and experience interactive panels pairing advancement leaders with for-profit strategists, lending insight into how advancement teams can apply leading resources to connect with donors and maximize results.[Click here] for more information.
28 Jul | Nashville, TN
Prospect research often focuses on gift-ability, but some institutions are moving towards a model of assessing net worth and liquidity, particularly of the very wealthy or those in complex financial fields.  While attending APRA’s 29th Annual International Conference, be sure to join Kat Banakis and Jen Filla in a conversation on pros, cons, and approaches to determining net worth and liquidity.
30 Jul | Nashville, TN
Forty-three percent of America’s wealthiest people are women. Women are either the sole charitable decision-maker or at least an equal partner in 90 percent of households. Jen Filla and Andrea Pactor take you from research study results to fundraising outcomes. At APRA’s 29th Annual International Conference, learn how to create tools to aid you in your work and to share these results with front-line fundraisers. Contribute to discussion on how focusing on women first will yield higher fundraising revenue.
Early Bird Deadline: APRA Canada 2016 Conference
31 Jul | Online
APRA Canada’s upcoming conference will take place October 12-14, 2016 in Toronto, ON. Catch the early bird pricing until July 31st. To learn more, click here.

Words from happy Researchers

Success Stories

I love your Master Class format – small group, clearly defined curriculum, solid professional information and resources and focus on discussion.  But most importantly I was impressed and delighted to see that you incorporated an additional and extremely practical layer of knowledge, through hands on experience with tools (pivot tables) or resources (Candid).  This adds real value to the educational experience you offer.

Betsy Mehlman

2020-Master Class

Jen’s course on insider stock and compensation was informative, interesting, and well-thought out. Jen broke down the complicated material into digestible pieces. She showed us resources that I use in my day-to-day research that I wouldn’t have otherwise known about. Jen is always quick to respond and has been helpful even after the class has ended. She answers questions thoroughly and is always pleasant.

I was able to take what I learned from the course and present the material to our front-line fundraisers. One fundraiser told me after my presentation that she discovered one of her donor’s compensation was much higher than she thought. So, already, this information has come in handy! Thanks again Jen!

Kim Anthony, San Francisco CA

Insider Stock and Compensation

The Capacity Rating Workshop was really useful. I was new to the prospect research field when I took the workshop, so it helped to demystify capacity ratings for me. The online classroom provided a great forum for interaction with the other participants and for a robust exchange of ideas. Beyond that though, Jen shared a wealth of information and resources about capacity ratings and other important aspects of prospect research. I highly recommend this workshop whether you’re new to the field or have years of experience in our profession.

David Lloyd, Prospect Research Professional, San Francisco, CA

Capacity Rating Workshop

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