Prospect Research Month in Review – Jul 2016

by | Jul 26, 2016 | News

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A few key resources shared:


From Our Favorite Blogs
ProRInstitute Blog Listblog

5 Ways to Customize Your Prospect Screening | iWave
Did you know that screening is the most common form of prospect identification conducted these days?  When it comes to screening though, one size doesn’t fit all.  >>Read More

How many times have you lamented: “Yet another prospect involved in the family business. The family’s privately-held business, that is. What valuation number am I going to pick out the air this time?!” We’ve all been there. Valuing private companies is a tricky business indeed (pun intended). >>Read More 
It’s here! The 20th anniversary Capgemini World Wealth Report is now available to be downloaded and discussedAs in previous years, the Report’s high-beam focus has been on global high net worth individuals (HNWIs)… >>Read More 
However, unlike the fundraising research departments, can technological advances threaten to diminish the role of the front-line fundraiser? Are the days of the globe-trotting development officer becoming the next casualty in the world downsizing? >>Read More 
Facebook. Twitter. Tumblr. Instagram. Twenty years ago, these words would have sounded like gibberish. Today, they are integral parts of our everyday lives. >>Read More

On The CalendarCalendar
Prospect Development Events

27 Jul | Nashville, TN
In this session at APRA’s 29th Annual International Conference, Jen Filla navigates you step-by-step through the anatomy of a profile, including individual, corporate and foundation profiles, demonstrates how to interpret and present key philanthropy and wealth indicators, and puts you in the shoes of the end-user to create a better presentation format – all with engaging, hands-on activities. This is NOT a how-to-find, but a how-to-present session.
28 Jul | Nashville, TN
Prospect research often focuses on gift-ability, but some institutions are moving towards a model of assessing net worth and liquidity, particularly of the very wealthy or those in complex financial fields.  While attending APRA’s 29th Annual International Conference, be sure to join Kat Banakis and Jen Filla in a conversation on pros, cons, and approaches to determining net worth and liquidity.
30 Jul | Nashville, TN
Forty-three percent of America’s wealthiest people are women. Women are either the sole charitable decision-maker or at least an equal partner in 90 percent of households. Jen Filla and Andrea Pactor take you from research study results to fundraising outcomes. At APRA’s 29th Annual International Conference, learn how to create tools to aid you in your work and to share these results with front-line fundraisers. Contribute to discussion on how focusing on women first will yield higher fundraising revenue.
1-5 Aug | Boston, MA
CASE’s flagship training programs are for  professionals who want to hit the books and revisit the basics. This unique learning experience will provide you with the foundation you need to further your career. Click Here for more info.
12 Aug | Online
The Introduction to Prospect Profiles teaches you to how build a prospect profile with simple search techniques – step by step. It’s designed for a researcher with three or fewer years of experience, or someone who doesn’t research often. Only 5 Seats Left! Course runs from 12 Sep – 21 Oct. All classes are Fridays from 2pm-3pm ET. >>Read course description