Prospect Research Month in Review – Feb 2017

by | Feb 28, 2017 | News

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Prospect Development Events

15 May – 16 Jun | 10-Seat Limit | Online
This course teaches you how to start using basic data mining techniques in Excel to  solve fundraising problems, such as finding the best prospects in your donor database,  comparing direct appeal results, or measuring donor retention. In this course we take the fear out of analytics. By walking you through the terminology and techniques, step-by-step, and with lots of practice, you get comfortable with the data and how it ‘speaks’ to you.Click here for more information.
10 Mar | Fayetteville, AR
Allison McElroy from the McElroy Group will be discussing Operation Integration: Streamline Your Message. Learn to craft your message and analyze which donors will be perfect for this new streamlined message. Click here for more information.
13 Mar – 15 Mar | Atlanta, GA
Build a solid foundation for success at ARC 2017. Intentionally more intimate than the annual conference, ARC 2017 helps you share experiences and challenges with your peers, while giving you the tools that will immediately impact your organization and your career. Click here for more information.
13 Mar – 15 Mar | Coral Gables, FL
As talent management grows as a vital function in our industry, leveraging available resources to provide the multiple services of a full-fledged program has become a critical challenge needing a strategic answer. Organizations big and small are trying to find what fits. Click here for more information.

APRA Greater New York Prospect Development Summit
17 Mar | New York, NY
A daylong prospect development forum featuring industry leaders in the advancement sector. The Summit showcases the cutting edge of insight and innovation into prospect research and development. Click here for more information.