Worth Twittering Over
@CeciliaHogan | For your holiday reading pleasure: The Wealth-X and Arton Capital Philanthropy Report 2016
@rifuk | Career curious? If you’re thinking of getting into prospect research, listen to this interview series: #ChatBytes Podcast
@Factary @IanMacQuillin @RogareFTT | Great piece on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) “…ideological attack on wealth screening”
@chrisfactary @andy_hillier @ThirdSector | Good piece on the wording by the ICO of data protection fines. My gripe, too.ICO’s handling of data protection fines for charities could best be described as a chaotic mess.”
@ShanRafferty | As a person who researches wealthy people, this was an interesting read: What It’s Really Like to Be a Billionaire
- @ElizabethHRoma @StoryDistillery | Also a good reminder for prospect research: don’t assume someone isn’t philanthropic just because you don’t see giving. “@IUPhilanthropy reports 84% of wealthy donors want anonymity after giving. Nonprofits need to consider this in donor narratives.”
@businessfaxno | This reads like a mini prospect research mystery novel (maybe I should write one): How to Hide $400 Million
@Lawson_David @deray | Minimum income in every state to be in the top one percent
@chrisfactary | International sources for prospect research. My notes from the Rif Conference
@Rachel_Dakarian @ArchDigest | $81.5 million! One million more than his previous record set at Christie’s London in 2008. “This Monet painting has smashed a major auction record”
@jenfilla @ProRInstitute @TheEconomist | The answer will surprise you! The Economist asks…which country has the most female politicians?
@SoleSearcherPR @BBCNewsUS | Black rights activist Viola Desmond first woman to appear on Canadian bank note. “One of these five women will be put on Canada’s currency. Do you know who they are?”
@jenfilla @WPIinsights @InsidePhilanthr | Could we re-think major gifts approach (and ratings) for women? “The Everychild Foundation, agiving circle est. in 1999, has awarded $1M every year since 2006”
@MsSParkinson @sheeo_world | Transforming funding and support for female entrepreneurs
@SoleSearcherPR @thewhinydonor | Great point! “The problem with online giving forms is that there doesn’t usually seem to be a way to donate as a couple. On paper, I write in both names.”
@SoleSearcherPR | The Shelly Stayer Shelter will be built on HER $3M gift. Women giving to women – a proud #gogirlresearch moment!
@jenfilla @NonProfitTimes | Younger Women Have Bigger Say In Household Giving
@Rachel_Dakarian @HistPhil | Fascinating interview with Tracy DuVivier Gary, the “Janie Appleseed” of women’s philanthropy
rom Our Favorite Blogs
ProRInstitute Blog List
- Profile Writing: Who’s in Your Audience? | Emily Davis via Learning Edge blog | @eheinlen
Book Review: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy | Sabine Schuller via International Research Blog | @S_Schuller
Researching Public Company Wealth | Jen Filla via Information Seeking blog | @jenfilla
You got played. I got played. We all got played. | Helen Brown via The Intelligent Edge blog | @AskHelenBrown
Dear Analyst 9: Bad Data Blues | Elisa Shoenberger and Katherine Ingrao via APRA-IL blog | @Vogontroubadour and @KatieIngrao