Worth Twittering Over
@CeciliaHogan | For your holiday reading pleasure: The Wealth-X and Arton Capital Philanthropy Report 2016
@rifuk | Career curious? If you’re thinking of getting into prospect research, listen to this interview series: #ChatBytes Podcast
@Factary @IanMacQuillin @RogareFTT | Great piece on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) “…ideological attack on wealth screening”
@chrisfactary @andy_hillier @ThirdSector | Good piece on the wording by the ICO of data protection fines. My gripe, too.ICO’s handling of data protection fines for charities could best be described as a chaotic mess.”
@ShanRafferty | As a person who researches wealthy people, this was an interesting read: What It’s Really Like to Be a Billionaire
- @ElizabethHRoma @StoryDistillery | Also a good reminder for prospect research: don’t assume someone isn’t philanthropic just because you don’t see giving. “@IUPhilanthropy reports 84% of wealthy donors want anonymity after giving. Nonprofits need to consider this in donor narratives.”
@businessfaxno | This reads like a mini prospect research mystery novel (maybe I should write one): How to Hide $400 Million
@Lawson_David @deray | Minimum income in every state to be in the top one percent
@chrisfactary | International sources for prospect research. My notes from the Rif Conference
@Rachel_Dakarian @ArchDigest | $81.5 million! One million more than his previous record set at Christie’s London in 2008. “This Monet painting has smashed a major auction record”
@jenfilla @ProRInstitute @TheEconomist | The answer will surprise you! The Economist asks…which country has the most female politicians?
@SoleSearcherPR @BBCNewsUS | Black rights activist Viola Desmond first woman to appear on Canadian bank note. “One of these five women will be put on Canada’s currency. Do you know who they are?”
@jenfilla @WPIinsights @InsidePhilanthr | Could we re-think major gifts approach (and ratings) for women? “The Everychild Foundation, agiving circle est. in 1999, has awarded $1M every year since 2006”
@MsSParkinson @sheeo_world | Transforming funding and support for female entrepreneurs
@SoleSearcherPR @thewhinydonor | Great point! “The problem with online giving forms is that there doesn’t usually seem to be a way to donate as a couple. On paper, I write in both names.”
@SoleSearcherPR | The Shelly Stayer Shelter will be built on HER $3M gift. Women giving to women – a proud #gogirlresearch moment!
@jenfilla @NonProfitTimes | Younger Women Have Bigger Say In Household Giving
@Rachel_Dakarian @HistPhil | Fascinating interview with Tracy DuVivier Gary, the “Janie Appleseed” of women’s philanthropy
rom Our Favorite Blogs
ProRInstitute Blog List
- Profile Writing: Who’s in Your Audience? | Emily Davis via Learning Edge blog | @eheinlen
Book Review: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy | Sabine Schuller via International Research Blog | @S_Schuller
Researching Public Company Wealth | Jen Filla via Information Seeking blog | @jenfilla
You got played. I got played. We all got played. | Helen Brown via The Intelligent Edge blog | @AskHelenBrown
Dear Analyst 9: Bad Data Blues | Elisa Shoenberger and Katherine Ingrao via APRA-IL blog | @Vogontroubadour and @KatieIngrao
On The Calendar
Prospect Development Events
17 Feb – 3 Mar | 10-Seat Limit | Online
There is no clear “right” or “wrong” way to create capacity ratings. Together with your peers, read and watch carefully selected resources. Rate an already researched prospect. Participate in facilitated discussions about what the terms really mean, what’s behind the formulas we take for granted, and what to do with prospects that have more or less information. Click here for more information.
18 Jan – 20 Jan | Fort Meyers, FL
This conference will examine our role from multiple perspectives, focusing not only on the skills we bring to the fundraising process, but also the importance of the internal relationships that make certain those skills are used, and valued. Click here to learn more.
27 Jan | Online
Learn best practices, strategic approaches and techniques that have worked well at academic medical centers and hospital systems in the US. Also learn how these best practices can extend to working with faculty and staff outside of healthcare for higher education fundraising efforts. Click here to learn more.
1 Feb – 3 Feb | Seattle, WA
This year’s theme is Sounding Out-the notion that through a strategic, thoughtful, shared experience, we will discover new and innovative ways to advance and leverage the impact of education. Visit Prospect Research Institute in the exhibit hall! Click here to learn more.
6 Feb – 17 Feb | Online
Save the Date for 2017! Chapters will join APRA International to host complimentary learning and networking activities for prospect development professionals in formats that range from a Twitter Talk to an interactive webinar. Click here to learn more.