Celebrating Certificate Earner, Jason Ross

When someone completes a course and earns a certificate at the Institute, it’s a big accomplishment. Courses can easily take around 35 hours to complete. Please join me in celebrating this intrepid member!

Jason Ross

Jason is a volunteer prospect researcher at Diabetes Canada and the Vancouver Art Gallery. He helps them with prospecting, providing key fundraising intelligence through corporate and individuals profiles to fundraisers. He also helps the VAG identify high-impact donors, using data analytics, from their former trustee donor pool to help fund their capital-building campaign.

Certificate Earned

Introduction to Prospect Research in Canada


Diabetes Canada and Vancouver Art Gallery

What type of work do you do?

Prospect Research, data analytics, and information management.

Why did you choose to become a Prospect Research Institute member?

I originally trained as a Library Technician and after some time out of the field, I wanted to re-skill and expand upon my original training in information management and research. The PRI seemed like an excellent choice as I could build on what I know, it was online and on-demand which made it easily accessible, and the instructor (Jen Filla) is a highly qualified and experienced PR. Who better to learn from? It has been one of my best life decisions!

What did you get out of the course that can be applied to your job?

And the definite bonus was learning PR tools and strategies from a Canadian researcher. There are some big differences between Canadian and American PR and this filled in an important gap in my knowledge. I highly recommend this course to new and intermediate prospect researchers!