Insider Stock & Compensation Volunteers

by | Jul 2, 2014 | News

PrintWe Need Content Review Panelists!

Do you have experience in researching public company insiders? We need your help!

The Institute is seeking 3 to 5 volunteers willing to serve on a content review panel. The course under development is Prospect Research Takes Wall Street: Insider Stock and Compensation.

If you are interested and want to learn more about what being a review panelist entails, please email Jen Filla at jen at for details.

  • The time period for various tasks is July through September. The course will run in October.
  • Tasks include things like reviewing content outlines, video scripts, and finished products such as videos and workbooks. We also need people to do simple things like test out the test and quizzes.
  • Jen is also interested in interviewing someone who does a lot of in-depth insider stock and compensation research to learn more about subscriptions you use or recommend.

Please forward to anyone you think might be interested and thank you for considering!