Diane Remin on Major Gift Fundraising at Small Nonprofits

At the Prospect Research Institute, we train researchers at nonprofits of all sizes and shapes. Some have a team of major gift fundraising professionals while some may have only one staff dedicated to individual giving. One thing we have learned over the years is that nonprofits of all sizes can leverage research for major gifts.

On the consulting side, Aspire Research Group’s work with small nonprofits has been guided and informed by Diane Remin, President of MajorDonors.com.  Remin started in the nonprofit world as a volunteer. An astute observer, she realized there was a missed opportunity with small nonprofits who, more often than not, have untapped potential to raise more funds from bigger gifts.

Leveraging research for prospect identification, Remin developed a system for training and coaching executive directors and development directors at small organizations to cultivate and solicit their donors. And it works! Listen in as she shares the key items nonprofits need to have in place for major gifts work and the impact that it will have on their fundraising efforts.

You will be pleasantly surprised to hear how many of Remin’s clients have hidden gems in their donor databases who love their mission and are ready to be asked to give bigger!

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Resources Mentioned

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