10 Ways To Get Budget $$ For Prospect Research Education!

by | Sep 5, 2017 | News

Want potent #ProspectResearch education in 2018? Download the Learning Directory today!  Tweet: Want potent #ProspectResearch education in 2018? Download the Learning Directory today! https://ctt.ec/YJRcF+ @ProRInstitute

Seminole FL, September 5, 2017Prospect Research Institute, the leader in comprehensive training for the fundraising research industry has published its 2018 Learning Directory with 5 online courses, 2 workshops, 2 online communities, and 1 page of workbooks – that’s 10 documented opportunities to present for budget approval!

Available for download, the Learning Directory clearly outlines:

  • Course and workshop descriptions, what you learn, what you get, deadlines and meeting dates
  • How the Early Career Club community supports you in becoming a research star-performer
  • Available workbooks and magazines that will change the way you research

“We were spending a lot of time responding to requests for information that researchers could submit to leadership for budget approval,” Institute CEO Jen Filla says. “Now that we offer a full roster of courses, publications, and an online community it was time to make it easier for researchers to make the case for budget dollars.”

The download of the 2018 Learning Directory is available at ProspectResearchInstitute.org and has sufficient detail to attach to budget justification documents.


About Prospect Research Institute

Headquartered in Florida, the Prospect Research Institute is a vibrant, online learning community that provides high-quality educational content. The Institute inspires and prepares prospect research professionals for their work in fundraising around five learning domains: research in fundraising, prospect research, fundraising analytics, relationship management, and prospect research careers.

For more information, contact:

Jennifer Filla, CEO
727 202 3405 x700