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Articles that inspire
Learning Edge
Supporting start-up donor acquisition and retention with Meta Stange at INN
If you work inside a large or long-established nonprofit, you might not realize that there are nonprofits out there that start out by relying only on major gifts – not even a donation button on the website! Usually that means institutional giving, but increasingly it...
Stepping into Prospect Management with Kelyn Klein
If you have to accomplish something really big, you break it into little pieces and get started. But what if you have to define that really big project before you can even take your first step? This is what Kelyn Klein, Director of Prospect Research and Portfolio...
Diane Remin on Major Gift Fundraising at Small Nonprofits
At the Prospect Research Institute, we train researchers at nonprofits of all sizes and shapes. Some have a team of major gift fundraising professionals while some may have only one staff dedicated to individual giving. One thing we have learned over the years is that...
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